Sunday, March 25


Coming back from a fun night of bowling with the Granada Deca-kids (minus Poonie, Bready, and Yo-yo) and a lot of NoHo people, I find myself in a pretty apathetic mood.

Don't get me wrong now, I had fun. Laughing along with the others whilst gossiping and talking was absolutely enjoyable. I did not suck horribly with my bowling either. Hooray. 3rd place, tied with Zak.

But as I sit here on the floor, pondering the many things that have happened in the last 17 years of my life, I cannot help but feel bleh towards it all. No, nothing bad happened. But nothing good happened either. Apparently, this little dip in energy happens constantly. So thus, this phase must and shall end in around 5 weeks.

I hope it's only my period. Although permanent indifference toward all sounds tempting, I'd actually like to care sometimes.

By the way, it was lovely seeing the NoHo team. You guys are cool. :)