"Leslie, have you registered?"
"No, not yet."
"It's not too late."
On a superficial level, such questions have been asked of everyone. Everyone has their busy schedule; everyone has their own life. Failings in any one of these matters will bring one down slightly, and almost insignificantly, on the grander scale of things.
"Leslie, have you thought about it?"
"No, not yet."
"It's not too late."
Thoughts are incredibly necessary on certain matters. Usually are of the utmost importance. Failure to do so may harm one greatly in the future.
"Leslie, have you looked at the stars?"
"No, not yet."
"It's not too late."
Admiration of beauty--something overlooked and rarely done on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Some would say that the urgency to do so does not exist; thus, aforementioned admiration may be forgone to more "pressing matters." But what they don't realize is that that continuous failure to appreciate the tree that gives you shade or the stars and moon that light your night will eventually leave you dead and withered inside.
"Leslie, have you fixed it?"
"No, not yet."
"It's not too late."
Reparations can be done either physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. Just like the previous case, it is sometimes overlooked despite its looming importance in our lives. But personally, I would like to believe that it will never be too late.