Tuesday, February 20

Clear? Yeah, right.

It's all fairly simple: I need change.

That's all. And it is because of that fact alone that I ended up owing a fair amount of money today. Do I hate myself? You bet. Will I do anything about it? If you have change for fricken $100 bill, then sure. Other than that, I'm here to work my butt off for you.

Anyway, am I the only one who finds it extremely difficult to convey emotion via blogging or the internet overall? I know that it's fairly easy to type down a few words that evoke moving emotions because of the knowledge that no one will ever read them. But how about on the internet? I find it impossible. Although I do condemn the ability to do so. On the contrary, actually; I praise all who can. To be able to discard the queasiness of knowing that your words are visible to the general public, and knowing that those whom you are writing about are part of the crowd... well, you must be extremely brave.

Here I am, attempting that feat, pushing myself to not care who reads this, to exercise my right to free speech. Well, I have the apathy part down, but for something else. I don't care enough about the general public to reveal my opinions. Here's one though: I feel the public not worthy enough to read such cherished cargoes of deep thought and deliberation. No, this is not meant at all to be in any way elitist. But honestly, do you really care? No, right? See? Thus, my choice to not share such personal (but not exactly private) thoughts is quite justified.

Gasp. Now here I am going on about my views on the sharing of views. Hypocritical? Yeah. But who isn't one?

EDIT: After reading an article on the New York Times website regarding the new avant-garde film regarding the Rape of the Sabine Women (this time, placed in a mod 60s setting), I decided to do a little research. It's quite interesting.

According to Wiki, Romulus and the newly-made, male populace of Rome sought wives. They thus turned to the neighbor tribe of the Sabines. Unfortunately, the fathers refused to wed their daughters in fear of giving rise to a rival clan. Thus, the plan to "rape" [abduct] the women of the Sabines was set into action. After, Romulus spoke to each women, imploring them to marry the into the Roman clan, assuring them of honorable marriages and birthing freemen. In the end, the Sabines and Romans go to war, but in the middle, the women throw themselves between their fathers and their husbands:

"If," they cried, " you are weary of these ties of kindred, these marriage-
bonds, then turn your anger upon us; it is we who are the cause of the war,
it is we who have wounded and slain our husbands and fathers. Better for us
to perish rather than live without one or the other of you, as widows or as

Ok. I just wanted to let you guys in on that since I thought it was pretty... cool.