I do believe that it's time for another rebellion against... hm. Against...
Okay, how about a typical, teen-aged rebellion without a cause? A rebellion so pointless that you just can't help but feel irked every time you come across such things?
Oh! I think I found my rant topic: teenagers. Yes, I know that I am, in a sense, one considering the fact that I am sevenTEEN years old. Sickening as it may seem, I cannot deny that. But that does not keep my digestive juices settled. Every time I look at those around me (excluding my friends), I cannot help but question their behavior. Arrogant, narcissistic, mean, indifferent (and not in the mature sense), and mainstream, there seems to be nothing special about them. They all dress alike and they don't seem to be questioning anything at all. Isn't it part of the growth process to actually question society as well as ourselves? Of course, the feeling of uncertainty is horrible and questioning oneself is sometimes unsettling. But to some extent, it cannot be as bad as many presume it to be. It does allow for some individuality to shine through.
I know many of you believe that at this age, teenagers do nothing but question. Yet, being one of them, I believe that we do not do this enough. By actually doing so, we may just be able to, as horrible as it may sound, grow up. Now, growing up doesn't necessarily mean to take up some serious manner and act as if something has been placed up where it really does not belong. We can still retain that sense of youth, that sense of child-like "innocence" that allows us the pursuit of simple happiness. By allowing that, while still maintaining our individuality, and sense of "maturity," perhaps I, and many like me, would not hate our generation so much.
Pah. Where's the candy? Never before have I craved a Toblerone bar this much.